




4.respond answer reply区别





       respond to对……做出回应

       Respond (1) respond v. 回答,对……回应,比answer 更正式。如:① She didn't respond to my question. 她没有回答我的问题。② I offered to help him, but he didn't respond. 我表示愿意帮他,但他没有回应。 (2) respond + that-clause回答说。如:The doctor responded that he could not tell the name 0f the disease. 医生回答说他无法说出疾病的名字。词汇联想respond v. 回答,响应;response n. 回答,响应;responder n. 回答者,响应者;responsible adj. 有责任的,可靠的;responsibility n. 责任,职责;correspond v. 相当,相符;correspondence n. 相当,相符;correspondent n. 通信员,记者短语respond to a letter 复信;respond to a question 答复问题;respond with a smile 以微笑回答;respond with a blow 报以一击;in response to 回答,回应……;a sense of responsibility 责任感;take the responsibility for 负起……的责任;be responsible for 对……负责





       比较正式的回答用reply,有答复的意思,一般用reply to。She didn't reply to his message.她没有回复他的留言。


       英文解释:to give a spoken or written answer to sb/sth。有回应的意思,不仅仅是回答,这是它跟answer的区别。I asked him his name,but he didn't respond.我问他叫什么名字,可他没回答。

       respond to my letter回信。也可以表示:作出反应;响应;respond to the news对消息作出反应。还能表示:作出正确反应;respond to a challenge应付挑战。


       就是普通的回答了,ask and answer这种。He cannot answer your question.他没法回答你的问题。






       “请确认收到此邮件并回复”的英文:please respond if you have received this letter

       respond 读法? 英?[r?sp?nd]?美?[r?spɑ?nd]?


       1、respond by walking out 以走开作为答复

       2、respond to 响应,对…起反响

       3、respond to the call 响应号召


       They are likely to respond positively to the president's request for aid.











respond answer reply区别

       responeses 是 response的复数形式




       回答, 响应, 反应







       The act of responding.


       A reply or an answer.


       A reaction, as that of an organism or a mechanism, to a specific stimulus.


       Abbr. REcclesiastical Something that is spoken or sung by a congregation or choir in answer to the officiating minister or priest.

       缩写 R基督教会 答复语,答复曲:会众或唱诗班用于答复执事牧师或教士的话语或歌曲

       A responsory.


       Middle English respons

       中古英语 respons

       from Old French

       源自 古法语

       from Latin resp?m [from neuter past participle of] respond?re [to respond] * see respond

       源自 拉丁语 resp?m [] 源自respond?re的中性过去分词 [反应] *参见 respond




       答复; 回[应]答


       (因刺激等引起的)感应; 反应

       物响应;无灵敏度; 感 扰性; 特性曲线

       response pulse


       response curve

       响应[应答]曲线, 灵敏度特性曲线

       They make a quick response to my inquiry.




       call forth no response in sb.'s breast


       in response to

       响应, 反应

       make no response


       absolute detector response


       acoustic frequency response

       声频响应, 音频响应

       adaptation response


       allergic response


       altitude response


       amplitude response


       amplitude-frequency response

       幅度频率响应, 幅频响应曲线

       amplitude-phase response


       anamnestic response


       aperture response


       arousal response


       audio response


       auditory response


       available power response


       axial response


       band-pass response


       bar response


       baseband frequency response


       bass response

       低音响应; 低音特性曲线

       biochemical response


       booster response

       加速响应; 回忆应答

       bounce response


       bright studio response


       camera spectral response


       cardioid polar response


       channel frequency response


       chemotactic response


       chroma response


       chrominance bandpass response


       command response


       community response


       complex response


       complex frequency response


       conditioned response

       条件反应; 制约反应

       confirmatory response


       constant-available-power response


       constant-current response


       constant-voltage response


       constructed response


       contrast response


       control response


       convergent response


       correlated response


       counter response


       coupler response


       covert response


       critical damping response


       dead-beat response

       非周期响应, 无摆响应, 速示响应

       degrading impulse response


       direct cortical response


       directional response


       dorsal light response


       duration response

       低频响应, 持续时间响应

       dynamic response

       动态响应, 动力特性

       dynamic roll response

       滚动扰动动力特性, 滚动运动频率特性

       dynamic system response

       动态系统频率特性, 动态系统的反应

       ecological response


       electrodermal response


       empirical response


       energy response

       能量特性, 动力特性

       equimolar response


       erythropoietic response


       evoked response


       exciter response

       激励器响应(特性), 励磁机反应

       extensor response


       external-device response


       extraneous response


       eye response


       fast response

       快反应, 速动, 快响应

       feedback response


       feedback-system transient response


       field frequency square wave response


       flat response


       flat frequency response


       flat top response


       flexor response


       floating response

       无静差作用, 浮动响应

       frame-to-frame response


       free field response


       frequency response


       full power response


       full scale response


       galvanic skinresponse


       governing response

       调节响应, 调节冲量

       grey-tone response


       ground state response


       group delay response


       half tone response


       harmonic response

       谐波响应, 频率响应

       harmonic frequency response


       head response


       histopathological response


       human dynamic response


       hydrophone response


       image response


       immune response


       implicit response


       impulse response


       impulse-forced response


       indicial response

       指数特性[响应], 单位阶跃响应

       inhibitor response


       initial condition response


       interrupt response


       jamming avoidance response


       lateral response

       侧向干扰运动, 侧向运动频率特性

       line rate bar response


       linear waveform response


       luminance transient response


       luminance-channel response


       luminosity response

       发光度响应, 亮度特性曲线

       lysogenic response

       溶菌反应; 溶解反应

       lytic response

       裂解反应, 溶菌反应

       mass-basis response


       maximum flat response


       mean-spherical response


       mediation responses

       居中反应; 内在反应

       microphone pressure response


       modulation frequency response


       multiburst response


       multiple-choice response


       narrow-band random response


       nonlinear response

       非线性响应, 非线性特性

       non-uniform frequency response


       normalized response


       omnidirectional response


       open-loop frequency response


       optimum response


       optokinetic response


       ordinal response


       orthotelephonic response


       oscillatory response


       oscillatory response of mechanical model


       overdamping response


       patterned responses


       peak response


       peak area response


       peak height response


       percent response

       响应度, 调制量响应

       phase-shift response


       phosphor colour response

       磷光体彩色响应, 荧光粉彩色响应

       photocathode response


       photoconductive response


       photopic response


       physiological response


       pick-up tube response


       positional response of carbon microphone


       prerupture response


       projector power response

       射声器功率响应, 发送功率响应

       psychosensory response


       quantal response


       ramp function response


       ramp-forced response


       random response


       receiver response


       record current response

       录制电流频率响应 recording/reproducing/amplitude/

       frequency response


       recruiting response


       red response


       reflex response


       relative response


       relative area response


       relative molar response


       reproducing frequency response


       residual response


       resilient response


       resolution response

       分解力响应, 分辨率, 析象系数

       reverberation response


       rheological response


       rise time response


       scintillation response


       scope response


       secondary immune response

       二次免疫应答, 再次免疫应答

       selected response


       sense response

       读出响应, 检测响应

       sine wave response


       sine-squared pulse response


       single peak response


       single-frequency sine-wave response


       sinusoidal response

       正弦响应, 正弦特性曲线

       skirt response


       spatial frequency response


       spectral response

       光谱[频谱]响应, 光谱灵敏度

       spectral response of image orthicon


       spectral response of stripe filter


       spectral sensitivity response


       spurious response


       square-law response


       square-wave response

       矩形波响应, 方波响应

       standard luminance response


       startle response


       steady-state response

       稳定态(反应)特性; 稳定态灵敏度

       step response

       瞬态特性, 过渡特性; 阶跃响应

       step function response


       step function transient response


       step-forced response


       subharmonic response


       sucking response


       superficial response


       superharmonic response


       system transient output response


       system's transient response


       tapping response


       target response


       television transient response


       thermal imaging response


       time response

       时间反应[响应]; 时间反应特性, 时间特性

       time domain response


       total response

       总(频率) 响应

       transient response


       transmission response


       transmitting power response


       traumatic response



       三色响应(特性曲线); 混色曲线

       unbalance response

       不平衡反应, 不平衡特性

       unconditioned response


       unconscious response


       underdamping response


       unit function response


       unit-impulse response


       unit-step response

       单位阶跃响应, 指数响应

       unwanted response


       vaccinoid response


       vacuum response

       真空反应, 无刺激反应

       ventral light response


       vertical frequency response


       video response


       video output transient response


       viscoelastic response


       waveform response


       wavelength response


       weal and flare response


       wound response


       write response


       zero input response


       zero state response








       The act of responding.

       A reply or an answer.

       A reaction, as that of an organism or a mechanism, to a specific stimulus.

       Abbr. REcclesiastical Something that is spoken or sung by a congregation or choir in answer to the officiating minister or priest.

       A responsory.

       Middle English respons

       from Old French

       from Latin resp?m [from neuter past participle of] respond?re [to respond] * see respond







       1、I don't quite know what to say in answer to your question. ?


       2、She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer.?


       3、Even very young premature babies respond to their mother's presence. ?


       4、The world community has been slow to respond to the crisis. ?


       5、We guarantee to reply in full within 10 working days. ?



       respond名词是对称、壁联的意思,另外第三人称单数:responds;现在分词:responding。 扩展资料 respond的动词的意思是“回答、响应、作出反应、回报或回复”的意思,作为名词是对称、壁联的意思,另外第三人称单数:responds;现在分词:responding;过去式:responded;过去分词:responded。



































